自来水→生水箱→升压泵→砂滤器→活性炭过滤器→柔软剂→安全过滤器→一级高压泵→3 t / H一级反渗透→中间储罐→二次高压泵→2 t / H二级反渗透→主紫外线杀菌器→成品贮水箱→水泵→次要的紫外线杀菌机→微孔过滤机→各水点
原水进入原水箱,由原水泵泵入砂过滤器。砂滤机的填料是石英砂,用于去除水中的悬浮物、胶体、铁锈、大颗粒杂质和一些卫生物质(如血虫等)。过滤器经过处理后,进入碳过滤器。滤碳机的填料采用优质果壳活性炭。它的主要作用是去除水中的有机物和砂滤器无法去除的氯、异味、农药和胶体。物质,水经过碳过滤后进入离子软化剂,通过阳离子树脂与水中的钙、镁离子交换,从而除去水中离子态的钙、镁,降低水的硬度,然后进入安全过滤器,配备5台20英寸长,5um PP过滤器,可去除5um及以上孔径的所有杂质。经过上述处理,为RO设备的正常使用和延长寿命提供了保证。预处理水经一级高压泵进入一级反渗透系统,浓缩废水排出,纯化水进入中间储罐。二级高压泵将中间储罐中的水再次泵入二级RO系统进行净化。 The desalination rate of water is 99.9%, and the conductivity is 2us/cm. The purified water is sterilized by an ultraviolet sterilizer to kill the unisolated microorganisms, so that the microbiological indicators of the pure water meet the requirements, and then enter the finished water storage tank for standby. For the sake of safety, an additional ultraviolet sterilization is added at the back end of the finished water output. It is sterilized with a 0.22usdel microporous filter to ensure effective control after the water in the finished water tank is contaminated.
전화번호:+ 86 15626014514